Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Upon receiving this assignment, we were quite worried as none of our group members had experience in creating a blog. The first challenge in completing this assignment was to find a suitable topic or theme for our group’s blog. Dr. Rozina asked us to find a topic that is related to the course in our department. At first, we were not sure about the topic we would like to do, and we chose Language and Brain which is under the area of Psycholinguistics. We have chosen the subtopic of Second Language Acquisition and Dr. Rozina would like us to do on Arabic as it will be interesting.

However, we felt that Arabic is not an interesting topic to be discussed on. We have problems in searching for suitable sources that can be put in our blog. We feel quite disappointed at first as we could not find any interesting sources that are related to our topic. We had found one blog on Arabic acquisition but it disappoint us as it only includes the owner’s opinion about learning Arabic, his experiences in Arabic countries, and so on.

We feel like giving up doing this theme, and would like to change our topic. But we are worried if Dr. Rozina will not like the idea of changing the topic. We proceed with our theme and try hard to finish it. When we were at the half way of completing this blog, we have made a decision to switch our theme to the field of Varieties of English. We chose to do on Kamtok, and we proceed doing the blog for that topic. We decide to change the topic only on last Saturday, 28th March! And we managed to create our blog in two days though it is not 100% finish. We went to see Dr. Rozina on Monday to propose our new theme, and as we expect, Dr. Rozina was very angry because we did not consult her earlier to change our topic. She said that she will not mad at us if we have consulted her earlier, not 4 days before our presentation.

We went back and decided to switch back to our first topic after our second meeting with Dr. Rozina on Tuesday evening. To be frank, we have difficulties in completing this blog as we get stuck with the theme. We were not sure about what to be included in the blog and how to make this topic interesting. After we met Dr. Rozina and told her our problem, she has suggested us some points to be included and she has changed our perception towards our own theme. Thanks Dr. Rozina and forgive us for not consulted you earlier.

We started working on with our first theme right after our consultation. All of us were working on the blog from 8 p.m. until 12 a.m. and continue our work on the following day. We work hard on it as we only have 1 day to finish it before our presentation on Thursday evening! We kept in mind that Dr. Rozina advised us not to be ambitious to compete with other groups’ blog after all problems we encountered.

In the process of making this assignment, various problems occurred. The BIG problem we encountered was time constraint. Considering the workload that we are carrying this semester, this assignment is quite challenging as it is time consuming. We could not manage to gather as a group since four of us have been carrying 22cdt hours in this semester.

However, the journey of making this blog is remarkable as we treasured challenges, obstacles together as a group. We have gone through the process of trial and error, and explored everything to familiarize us with the process of creating this blog. We have struggled to distribute time, sacrificing our time and energy as we have commitment to other courses’ classes and assignments as well.

In addition, the creating of this blog has taught us to be cooperative and be more responsible towards our own work. We learned to be tolerate and considerate to each other and attend to other people’s opinion. This task had also challenged us on our patience and spirit of teamwork. Without patience from all group members, we do not think that we will manage to complete this task on time. It also teaches us to manage time properly and not to delay work until the very last minute.

In brief, it has been a great pleasure to do this assignment as it exposed us to the wide application of technology in language learning. We are proud of our blog even though it is not at par with other groups’ blog considering the problems that we faced and the workload that we are carrying this semester. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Rozina for assisting us in completing this assignment, and for the time she sacrifices to attend to our problems in completing the blog. BIG apologise from us for what has happened. We admit our mistakes and regret it.

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